Hello my lovelies,
Today I'm writing just a short post to you to share very interesting video. I think it might be interesting to everyone interested in make-up. The creator of video is amazing Lisa Elridge, make-up artist and creative director of Lancôme, she recently wrote book about make-up history Facepaint. Video is starring incredible Madeleine Marsh, artist, writer and broadcaster. As said on her website "Madeleine’s particular interests include vintage fashion and women’s history and she is also author of Miller’s Collecting Perfume Bottles and of Compacts and Cosmetics- Beauty from Victorian Times to the Present Day – Pen and Sword – a social history of make up and beauty practices." So here it is, videos starring my two greatest inspirations. Videos tell us short history of make-up from Victorian era till 1970s.
It is very very intersting.
Don't hesitate to comment and enjoy,
Don't hesitate to comment and enjoy,